Monday, March 17, 2008

Hateful Bumper Sticker

Okay, so I was driving down the street a few weeks ago when I saw a bumper sticker that read, "God Doesn't Believe in Atheists." Well obviously I am not a Christian and don't know all of the teachings, but didn't Jesus preach to love thy enemy or something? Doesn't that song tell small children that Jesus loves them because the bible says so? And that phrase, "God is love." For a person trying to put out a message that people should become Christian, I think they achieved just the opposite. So it pissed me off...a lot. I do not have anything against the different faiths of the world, but I don't think anyone should be putting messages of hate on their cars and then be proud of them. Then in the bookstore I saw a book with the same title God Doesn't Believe in Atheists. So for Christians, to me, these people are being pretty anti-Christian. Sure I drive around with a Darwin Fish on my back bumper, but I am not going to proudly drive around with a sticker that preaches a message of hate and intolerance. So basically it is okay to preach hate, as long as it is against an atheist. Because I know there is freedom of speech and whatnot, but I am pretty sure that no body will really drive around advertising that they hate Muslims, or Jews, or African Americans.


Interested said...

Remember: we don't believe that god exists, so they can't hurt us with words. I get your point, it does seem like hate, but it makes me laugh.

Lizzie said...

i just get pissed off by ignorance.

Rose said...

I'd be annoyed too! I was raised Jewish (reform) and feel very Jew-ish culturally speaking. Its always the Christian superiority that bothers me most. Not that you must believe in some kind of god, but that it has to be Jesus or you're going to hell. If I remained the religion I was brought up as, as many do, they would still believe I'd be going to their version of hell.

Coming from the perspective of being raised a religion other than Christianity, it bothers me twice as much. According to many Christians, Jews might as well be atheists anyway.

Its quite perplexing.

Anonymous said...

Do you think it could mean that God doesn't believe that an atheist can't be reached? (Not trying to push anything, just curious if you had looked at it that way.)

Lizzie said...

i never thought of it like that...but even if that is what it means, maybe we can be reached and just dont agree with the message.